What Should You Know Before Getting Eyelash Extensions?
Now is the time to liberate yourself from the lost time, irritation, and injury associated with eyelash curlers and mascara. Because the foundation of this expansion creates a line along the lid, eyeliner is optional. Many of my clients don't think they need to wear any makeup at all.
A fantastic eyelash artist can in fact bring out the blue or green on your eyes or lighten the shade of your brown eyes.
Here are some key advantages for using these eyelashes extensions:
- They are water-resistant
- Light-weight
- Time-saving
- Enhances your eyes
- No clumpy paste from fake lashes
- Adds volume and fullness to your natural eyelashes
Some of renowned brands are even selling 100% hand made extensions these days that are also made of tested highest quality materials as well.
Let me know if you have also have a good experience in the comments section here, much appreciated ;)